Welcome to Riding Hood Ent.

In viewing these pages - you agree to provide generous donations
to the Ladies of the Wyrm's Tale ...

Warning - some may find these images boring // titillating // repetitive // a con //
- so sue me  tough !!   you are number     to visit the site


And here we see
one of our
Bar Wenches... Lis

What's This??

She strips off
with no thought of the

Exposing her flesh to
the wonder of the

Yes - Yes  - Yes -

A little closer with the

Attention to detail
care and gentleness

And now
after the Sock...

The Boot !!

and after this she carried on working
as though nothing had happened between us!!
SO ?? What did you expect ??

CP is a family orientated Event !!

(thanks Lis - Marry me !! )

Let's get back to the real pictures..