The Book of Creation - Chapter II

Once Odin had created the Isle and the man known as Myst, it fell to him to give him his training. Myst, although created fully-grown, did not have the knowledge of a man. His mind was an empty book, yet to be filled. Odin spent much time with Myst, teaching him the things he needed to know to be a man. The time passed quickly and Myst learned at a phenomenal rate. He mastered the languages, history, magic’s and the runes. Philosophy soon followed as Myst learned the sagas.

 One day Myst and Odin were walking through the forests, when Myst asked “Allfather, how is it that you can spend so much time here with me, when you should be out there, ruling Asgard and guiding our people?”

 Odin pondered the question and answered, “My  son, in this place, the forces of time and space do not work as they do throughout the rest of Midgard. Here time does not have any real meaning. So when I am with you, the rest of the world tends to itself.”

“I see Father.” Replied Myst. “So how old am I?”

“I don’t know, it doesn’t matter. However, you are old enough to see a lot more. I’ve taught you about the world, now it’s time to see it.”

 With a wave of his hand, Odin called upon his magic. Myst was bathed in light, which when it subsided left him armed and armoured.

“Come Lad. Lets see what you’ve been missing.” With that Odin called Slepnir to him.

The two took flight upon Slepnir’s back and in a day rode around the world. At the end of the day Odin rode to the Bifrost Bridge. Dismounting, Odin and Myst walked across the Bridge. From the bridge they could see the three worlds, the infinite sea and the serpent within it.

“Mark well this journey, my son. One day you must lead others on this path.”

“What do you mean Allfather?”

“You will see in time. Just remember.”

 As they cross the Bridge, Heimdall Guardian of Bifrost steps forward, axe in one hand, sword in the other. “The mortal may not cross the Bridge.”

Odin stares hard at Heimdall. “Step aside caller of the change, this one is not of them, he is of us. He has the right to walk in Asgard.”

“I disagree” called Heimdall in a raised voice. With that he swung his poleaxe at Myst. In shock Myst held up his sheild, blocking the mighty blow. Myst did not fall, nor did he die.

Heimdall looked at Myst then stepped aside. “Welcome to the halls of Asgard.”

 Myst was struck by the awesome power and majesty of Asgard. It’s beauty unsurpassed.

Odin led Myst across the fields of battle, to Valhalla, to sit at Thor’s table where they shared mead and enjoyed the wenches.

“My son. I leave you seven days and seven nights to enjoy this place. When I return we shall travel once more.”

And so Myst revelled and fought for those seven happy days.

When Odin returned they travelled the dark paths to Svartlheim and Niflheim. There Myst saw the full horrors of the underworld and did battle by Odins side.

As the travelled from the fields of fire to the Plains of ice, in the mists between, Hel met them.

“Odin, you travel as a theif across my land without the courtesy to speak to me. Or were you afraid?”

Myst shocked at her terrible appearance was enraged at her accusations.

“How dare you speak before the Allfather in that fashion. I should slay you where you stand.” Shouted Myst.

Hel tossed her head back in laughter. “Easily. He will not harm me. Someone must stand watch over this forsaken place. He has made it my home, for he does not want it himself.”

“Calm yourself” spake Odin as Myst fumed. “She is allowed her tongue. She is also a mistress of the Magic’s. She knows the dark ways, not of the runes. I was hoping she would teach these ways.”

“Teach this arrogant pup. No. He is not deserving.” Said Hel, seeking to enrage Myst yet further.

“You will teach him as I have asked, because I have asked.”

Hel consented to teach Myst and thus he spent many months of pain and misery with that cruel Mistress. When Odin returned for him Myst was aged, no longer youthful and riven by the magics he had learned.

“Why Father did you leave me with that thing? She is cruel and twisted. She is unfit to be called Aesir.” Asked Myst.

“In all things there must be balance. She is part of that.”

“I do not accept this. She is not of us. I will not accept her.”

“Very well. One day you will learn better. Beware that decision does not come back to haunt you.”


Odin returned Myst to the Isle.

“It is now I must set your task for you. You are to stay here on Midgard and raise for me a group of men and Women who will be our word upon Midgard. They will fight for us and be guardians of the Norscan people. When there is most sorrow, you will be there to cheer. When there is most pain, you will be there to soothe. You will fight the battles where no other will stand. Above all you will be the Guardians of Ragnarok and ensure that the prophecy is fulfilled, even though it means our death.”

“I will take this duty as you request father.”

Myst waved his hands and with his magic crafted the Isle for mortal man.

When he was done Odin, with graven face, spoke.

“This place is fitting. To fulfil this task you cannot be Aesir. You will not understand the ways of Man. You will not grow old as men do. You will age one hundredth of their time. But you will otherwise be mortal. You will live as a man.”

“Why did you teach me all this and grant me my power, only to take it away?”

“A man who has known power and glory but has lost such, is better fit lead men on the path of truth.”

Myst nodded. “I understand.”

“I give you my book. You must finish it. From this book the truth will be known. I will send to you those who are worthy of us. Until we meet again, my son.”


With that Odin took to Slepnir’s back and rode across the Sky.


Myst walked the Isle and shed a tear in sorrow.



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